Analytical and entrepreneurial-minded data nerd, SEO/SEM expert, usability enthusiast, coffee addict, Redditor, Boglehead, and Oxford comma advocate. As it relates to digital properties, interfaces, and experiences, I’m passionate about delighting users and customers through ethical, intuitive, human-centered, confidence-inspiring design and engagement.
I employ a quantitative, pragmatic approach to strategy generation and problem solving, focusing on the key metrics and tactics that drive measurable growth for businesses. My consulting work spans a number of digital marketing disciplines: SEO, SEM/PPC, UX, CRO, affiliate marketing, social media, copywriting, and more.
I currently lead the Paid Search marketing efforts at Gild Group, an e-commerce management and growth strategy firm in Charleston, SC.
My general hobbies and interests include: food, cooking, weightlifting, health, nutrition, math, statistics, cars, tennis, investing, and drums. I occasionally write about some of these topics on separate websites at The Optimizing Blog and Optimized Portfolio.
Admittedly not a big fan of social media, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Reddit.